EUTM Mali constitutes the military pillar of the EU strategy in Mali, which includes other fields such as political and humanitarian development. The mission was born in 2013 to respond to the need to strengthen the capabilities of the Malian Armed Forces, with the ultimate result being self-sustaining armed forces capable of contributing to the defense of their population and territory.
Since the approval of the Fifth Mandate in March 2020, the strategic objectives of the mission have been:
- To contribute to the improvement of the capabilities of the Malian Armed Forces under the control of the political authorities
- Consolidate the improvements achieved since 2013
- Contribute to the political stabilization and improvement of the security situation in Mali through support for the implementation of the Algiers Peace Agreement.
- Support the restoration of state control and the rule of law throughout Mali.
- Support G5 Sahel, through the consolidation and improvement of the operational capabilities of its Joint Force, strengthening regional cooperation to address common security threats, especially terrorism and illegal trafficking, especially of human beings.
In order to achieve these objectives, EUTM Mali bases its activities on 4 pillars:
- Training of Malian military units
- Advice at all levels to the Malian Armed Forces
- Contribution to the improvement of the Military Education System, from schools to ministerial level
- Advice and training to G5 Sahel Joint Force headquarters

The EUTM Mali mission is composed of almost 700 soldiers from 25 European countries including 22 EU members and 3 non-member states.
The EU member countries contributing to EUTM Mali are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
The 3 European non-EU countries contributing to EUTM Mali are: Georgia, Moldova and Montenegro.
Eurocorps will provide the key personnel in European Traning Mission in Mali for two rotations starting in January 2021, i.e. for about one year. The key personnel will consist of the Mission Force Commander and some 70 other soldiers who will be stationed at Headquarters, the Advisory Group or the Training Task Force. The composition is multinational, but Spain has taken the lead for the first rotation and Germany for the second.

More information on the EUTM Mali website