A Symbolic Takeover of Command in Eurocorps

COMEC takes over the EC Flag
On Thursday 11 April in a display of professionalism and collaboration, a military parade took place in Eurocorps HQ to mark the official takeover of command of Eurocorps by Lieutenant General Piotr Błazeusz.

The ceremony consisted of a short parade with the multinational Headquarters staff paying respect to the national anthems of the framework nations and the COMEC inspecting the personnel on parade. The Senior Representatives from the Framework Nations read letters of congratulation to the new Commanding General from their respective Chiefs of Defence. The climax of the ceremony was the handing over of the Eurocorps pennant to Lieutenant General Błazeusz, which symbolized the seamless transition of command.

The spectacle of the multinational participants made up from the framework and associated nations standing together in formation served as a reminder of Eurocorps collective effort and shared goals ethos. As Eurocorps works intensively to develop its vision beyond 2025, and in line with its motto “a Force for the EU and NATO”, all Chiefs of Staff have expressed their utmost confidence in General Błazeusz’s appointment. They underlined his wealth of experience acquired through his various assignments in multinational headquarters and on operations, which will enable Eurocorps to meet the challenges ahead with the determination and foresight necessary to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.

General Błazeusz expressed his proudness to be the 17th Commanding General of Eurocorps. He spoke of his desire “to make the Eurocorps even greater that it is now and continue the process of its adaptation and transformation”, and expressed the trust he places in his staff “You are a great, highly motivated and committed team. I am confident that together we will overcome all challenges and achieve success.”

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