Within their barracks in Strasbourg, members of the Headquarters took part to the traditional New Year reception. A good opportunity for the Lieutenant General Laurent Kolodziej, Commander of Eurocorps since last September, to deliver some words to all the guests, including representatives of the civil society in the Strasbourg area.
« I am proud to be the commander of Eurocorps which is a unique military structure, a treasure here in Strasbourg thanks to its multinationality, its duality and its reactivity.
Eurocorps is not the only displaying the largest number of flags, only 10, but it is the most international one by its essence with 5 framework nations and 5 associated nations. Decisions are taken by the Chief of Defense of the 5 frameworks nations during the common committee that is the feature that makes Eurocorps such a special HQ. Another feature that makes Eurocorps so special is its duality. Although its very name can be misleading, Eurocorps is a structure dedicated to NATO missions as well as to EU missions.
Eurocorps stands out because of its reactivity. Eurocorps is certified as a rapid reaction corps, which are not words only. We are a strong believer in the motto “train as you fight”, this is what we do here in Strasbourg. Within few days we are able to face any urgent demand from our Nations.
Eurocorps is taking the command of the NATO Reaction Force land component command for the entire year 2020, which means that we are ready to go for any NATO mission on very short notice. We will continue to work hard to keep our readiness.
Taking the NRF is demanding for all members of the Headquarters as we can be called for a mission on very short notice, which has an impact on the daily life and particularly on the family life. For that reason it is important that we can rely on the local community to be present and supportive.
I wish you a very happy new year. »
The guests, both European civilian and military, were able to continue their discussion at the cocktail party.