Eurocorps is a multinational military staff. But there are also a lot of military units, which supports the staff and their subordinated units to make the work possible. This includes regular military training like shooting. In order to improve...
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Posted on October 13, 2017
50 French soldiers of Eurocorps will be deployed from October to December 2017 in Paris in the course of the Sentinelle operation. A part of the detachment will reinforce the operations center in Saint-Germain- en-Laye, while the others will...
Posted on September 13, 2017
Like every year at the same period, Eurocorps organizes its traditional Newcomers Day in order to officially welcome the soldiers who joined the Corps during the summer period as well as their kids and partner.This year, the rotation of...
Posted on September 11, 2017
7 September 2017, German Lieutenant-General Weigt took over from Spanish Lieutenant General Ramirez as Commander of Eurocorps. Both Generals expressed themselves right after the change of command ceremony. General Ramirez : “I feel satisfied. When I took over, I...